Our website is available in Estonian
25.06.2024 - 12:02
We are happy to inform that our website is now available in Estonian language.

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SALVAGNINI LTWS – loading, unloading and storage automatization
In the laser world, automation is playing an increasingly key role in the recovery of autonomy and efficiency. This is why we offer a wide range of high-performing solutions for loading/unloading operations.

LONKING LG35DT Diesel Forklifts in Daugavpils (Latvia)
By special request, Italian Machinery Association have supplied two LONKING LG35DT Diesel Forklifts to a customer in Daugavpils (Latvia).

Euromac MTX Flex 12 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Italian Machinery Association technical support representatives have installed, retuned and relaunched a used EUROMAC MTX Flex 12 punch press.